Before You Arrive

Welcome to UNM! Complete the following as soon as possible but NO later than three (3) business days prior to your start date.

E-Sign your Offer Letter and complete online Onboarding tasks

You will receive an email notification with your offer letter that will need to be signed electronically. An additional email notification will be sent to your email address provided during your hiring process, including the employee Demographics form and employee acknowledgements. Contact your supervisor or hiring manager if you have questions about your onboarding process.

Complete Employment Forms

Your UNM Benefits

Review the Benefits webpage to understand the options available to you and the deadlines and procedures for enrolling in your benefits. You have 60 calendar days from your eligibility date to enroll in your benefits.

Visit the Eligibility and Enrollment webpages on the HR website for details and benefits enrollment forms. Contact Benefits & Employee Wellness at with questions. 

We're here to help. Contact our HR Service Center for general assistance by phone at 505-277-MyHR (6947), email: or fax: 505-277-2321.  Directions to the HR Service Center and other HR departments.

Visit the HR Transaction Center webpage for location, hours of operation and key contact information.

Next Step: Your First Day

Your next step is to visit the "Your First Day" page. On your first day you will complete the “Your Lobo Journey” modules. This is an important component of your onboarding experience and should be completed before the New Employee Experience Information Session. You may want to review the sections "Before You Arrive" to "First Three Months" located in the navigation bar above. You'll want to come back to these periodically throughout your onboarding experience as needed. You may also download and review the handy New Employee Starter Guide to keep you on track! Continue on Your New Employee Experience by clicking the button below. your-first-day.png